Andrew Sullivan about Trump


Well spoken, well explained by Mr. Sullivan. So true and easy to comprehend (should be). And yet, there are people who believe in a 71 year old trash-talker. Perhaps because of their child-like uneducated mind-set, perhaps of their fear, perhaps of their opportunism or due to a wrong sense of duty. Be that as it may. Those who stand up for the truth and speak up (even better if they are people in the limelight, like lawmakers or news people, comedians etc), are true heros, and even if they will lose on first sight, they can only win in the end! Time will heal and time will erase all Trumps from this world!
But be aware: Stupidity never dies!!

Not a nice Person!

He is a by accident rich real estate figure. By accident (by the circumstances…) he became also president of the USA. He is bad, bad, bad, soooo baaaad! He has a huge fake grin, so huge, that it almost reaches from on ear to the other. He creates jobs, lots of jobs, thousands of jobs, millions. He will create so many jobs that it will be beyond of imagination. Sadly, most of this jobs will be for his family members, his sons, his daughters his son-in law, his wife, etc. because he is also such a good businessman too. After his presidency he will be richer than ever before, he, he… He is just too smart for everybody, or let’s say unscrupulous (smart is what he thinks he is..).

Ahead of the elections in the USA, the billionaire Richard Branson gave an interview to the BBC. He said back then, that he usually never get involved into politics, but this time he had no choice but to tell the public about his meeting with Trump when they both resided in the same hotel in New York. Trump asked him to have breakfast together. For Branson did not know Trump personally by that time, he accepted and so he met him for breakfast the next morning. Branson would regret this date very soon, because he found in Mr. Trump a very shallow, ordinary person. He plead with the American People, not to vote for him because Trump would undoubtedly be the worst alternative for America and the World (as we see, with not much success!).

Well, now they (we) got him. What a huuuge President. Huge grin, huge empty words, huge empty brain. Such a rich real estate agent. Put the millions he got from his father in the right time on the right horse and won and became so rich, all by his own!! Good boy, well done! How smart, isn’t it? Fools luck! Huge!

Perhaps it’s not good, or not wise, to talk bad about other people onself. So let’s cite other  people’s opinion. Here is one I can just underline word by word.

Mr. Timothy Garton Ash, a history professor, described Trumb as a,

“narcisistic, bragging, mendacious, ignorant, dangerous demagogue!”

Well said Mr. Ash. I just wish you were not right!

PS: He just crossed too many lines, even the red line, and many, many lines after the red line. It was great to be there anyway. First time I flew with Airforce One. It’s really huge, wow, it’s sooo huge. Maybe I’ll sell it to my company before I leave the office. Grant myself a good discount, he, he,…I’m just sooo smart.


It seems as it is but it is not as it seems!

Don’t be preoccupied with the plenty and the appearance of things.

Although, at the beginning of your quest it will not be otherwise.

Everything is real or unreal at the same time. Everything is a construct by your own. Everything can be used, transformed, rearranged for your own purpose. Inherent in everything is the clue, the hint, the essence of all and nothing. Matrix 1

And yet, it is not even necessary to change or transform things, for what is inherent, what’s hidden, is obvious, visible, transparent, noticable at all times.

Just by the power of every single sense of yours.

Just don’t be fooled!

Random Pieces – Willkürliche Stücke

This is about a find. A man died, a woman died. A house was for sale. During the cleaning process a case was found. In the case were a lot of notebooks, writings of all kind. In a spell of sentiment, the real estate agent kept the case and gave it to an aquaintance of her. Some of the pieces found in the box will appeare here in random order, bit by bit. They are mostly in German language but it seems in a later periode the author switched to English. Some words or syntaxes are grammaticaly incorrect. No provereading is done.

To be continued….

The Pieces – Die Stücke

(1) Gezeitenwechsel – Turn of the Tide


Kein Zeichen von Leben kam aus dem hingestreckten Körper. Lore fühlte die Temperatur des Verstorbenen und schätzte, dass der Tod erst in den frühen Morgenstunden eingetreten sein konnte. Es war nicht der erste Leichnam, den sie als erste Person auffand. Das Sanatorium war ein Ort des Kommens und Gehens gewesen und mancher Patient verließ die Heilstätte in einem Leichenwagen.  In den Jahren, in denen sie dort ihren Pflegedienst versah, kam es drei Mal vor, dass einer ihrer Schützlinge am nächsten Morgen die Augen nicht wieder auftat. Die 79jährige Frau von Eschenbach fand sie leblos auf dem Fußboden liegend. Sie war auf ihrem Weg zur Toilette zusammengebrochen. Herr Otterbeck und Frau Zwiesel lagen wie friedlich schlafend im Bett, doch Lore spürte immer sogleich,  wenn sie das Zimmer eines Verstorbenen betrat, die besondere Aura in diesen Räumen. Der Tod lag in der Luft. Das Tasten nach dem Pulsschlag, das Prüfen der Atemfrequenz, war für sie nur mehr eine Bestätigung.

Damals war ihre Pflicht damit getan, den Stationsarzt herbeizurufen und den Toten für den Abtransport vorzubereiten. Doch hier und jetzt, konnte sie niemanden informieren oder um Hilfe bitten. Sie stand ganz alleine in der Pflicht zu tun, was getan werden musste. Dass der Tag einmal kommen würde, war absehbar und so war ihr Plan, wie in dieser Situation zu verfahren sei, längst gefasst. Ihrem Sohn Ludwig befahl sie auf den Laden aufzupassen und auf keinen Fall in den Keller zu kommen.

„Und das Frühstück für Friedrich“? fragte er.

„Ist heute nicht nötig mein Junge“, antwortete die Mutter ohne die geringste Regung in ihrer Stimme.

Sie benötigte nur zwei Stunden, dann war es getan. Die losen Steinplatten lagen wieder an Ort und Stelle. Nur an der frischen Ausfugung war die Veränderung zu bemerken. Fünf Eimer sandige Erde, das war das Volumen, das der Körper verdrängte. Sie verstreute den Überschuss im kleinen Garten hinter dem Haus. All den Dingen im Keller, die noch an Friedrich erinnerten, wie Kleidungsstücke, Schriftstücke, würde sie sich später annehmen und dann würde nichts mehr an den Menschen erinnern, der hier unten über Jahre hinweg ein Leben nach dem Tod verbrachte. Sie fühlte sich befreit von einem gewaltigen Druck, dem sie jahrelang ausgesetzt war. Eine lange Periode ihres Lebens haderte sie mit sich selbst. Sie war eine rechtschaffene Person und nächtelang verfolgten sie schlimme Gewissenbisse ob hier nicht einem Menschen Unrecht getan wurde. Sie sah, wie Friedrich langsam wieder wacher wurde und manchmal hätte sie ihn gerne ans Licht nach oben geführt. Elisabeth und Alwine, die einzigen Mitwisser, waren längst tot. Einmal hatte sie sogar die verrückte Idee ihn wieder gesund machen zu können und ihn als heimgekehrten unbekannten Kriegsgefangenen, den Nachbarn vorzustellen. Es wäre ein Leichtes gewesen in dieser Zeit in der viele Todgeglaubte unerwartet wieder bei ihren Familien auftauchten. Doch sooft sie auch die Situation durchspielte, immer wieder blieb sie an einer Stelle hängen – Ludwig! Er war ein gutes Kind, nicht bösartig, nicht falsch, nicht schwachsinnig, wofür ihn die meisten Menschen hielten. Ihm fehlte es nur an innerem Antrieb etwas selbständig zu tun. Das was man ihm auftrug wurde von ihm erledigt, wenn es nicht gar zu komplizierte Abläufe waren. Sie wusste, was sie von ihm verlangen konnte und sie wusste auch, dass sie sich in dieser bestimmten Hinsicht auf ihn Verlass war. Die eigentliche Schwierigkeit für ihn war, sich auf Veränderungen ein- und umzustellen. Doch einmal die neue Situation adaptiert, war auf Ludwig Verlass, ja.

Lore überlegte, wie sie ihrem Sohn am Besten beibringen konnte, dass Friedrich gegangen war. Schließlich war Ludwig es, der sich in den letzten Jahren, um den Untermieter fast alleine kümmerte. Nicht an einem einzigen Tag, vergaß er Frühstück oder Abendbrot für die Kellerassel, den Spitznamen, den er selbst für Friedrich erfunden hatte.

„Die Kellerassel? Gegangen? Wohin?“

Ludwig war irritiert. Zappelig saß er am Tisch, überfordert mir der neuen Situation, die er sich nicht erklären konnte.

Am nächsten Tag bereitet er wie immer das Frühstück vor um es in den Keller zu bringen.

Wieder erklärte ihm die Mutter, dass Friedrich gegangen sei und Ludwig benahm sich so, als sei dies die erste Neuigkeit des Tages. Dasselbe Spiel begann von Neuem. Es brauchte Zeit und ständige Wiederholung um Ludwig etwas beizubringen, aber sehr bald würde Ludwig es begreifen, dessen war sich Lore sicher. Es bedurfte nur der ständigen Wiederholung.

Zwei Tage später bekam Lore ein schweres Fieber. Sie begann zu phantasieren, fiel in schwere Fieberträume. Wenn sie bei Sinnen war, gab sie Ludwig Instruktionen, Dinge die zu tun waren, für den Fall der Fälle. Sie glaubte, sie könne das Fieber ohne ärztliche Hilfe überstehen. Kurz bevor sie starb sagte sie in ihrem Fieberwahn zu Ludwig: „Und vergiss das Frühstück für Friedrich nicht.“


Whatever You See…

Whatever I see, whatever I hear, whatever I write, it’s like it is already seen, already heard, already written ages ago, by somebody, by you, by myself!

All stems from the same source, is driven by the same energy. All inherits the same one particle. This particle inherits the energy of all the universes with all its planets, stars and galaxies within them, let alone the very thought of your own existence!

There is no picture,  no word, no gesture and no measurable effect. You will never be given any kind of evidence of its existents as long as you linger in your unreal world because the Particle will immediately and irretrievable override the natural laws of any world outside of it.

antimatterYou can call it the Gottesteilchen, the God Particle, God or just the Unknown. It’s up to you. Call it whatever you like. It doesn’t matter. As long as if you think of the particle as a particle of matter you are wrong anyway. And if you think of the particle as antimatter you are wrong. And if you think about the particle as mind you are wrong as well.

What were you looking for, all those years? The meaning of life? That’s what you always thought. The meaning of life! You needed a reason for your existence. And this is the cardinal error in your thinking. You think of you as a human being the way as you think of a table as a table. The table for you of course, has its very good reason. But after all what you know by now, can you still be sure about the reason you have implemented  in your thought of a table? However, if the table is not table, but just an image you have made up, what then? What is the reason of the table then? What is a table anyway?

You should answer this question easily after all you have learned. Drawing conclusions it appears for quiet a while it is all about physical conditions, The Elementary Particles. And yet, soon you stuck again because all of your science stuck.

You cannot think about you as just Elementary Particles. You look in the mirror and what you see is You as a human being. You are used to You as you look like, as you feel like since you’re born. You find yourself attractive. You are important for others, your friends, your family. They like you and you like them. You are a part of each others world. They define you as an important person in their world. And so you cover yourself under a blanket of incense, in self-adulation. You think, you have thoughts, special, important thoughts. You think you are so special indeed, that there must be a reason especially for you to be here, existing for others and playing a vital part in this life.

What you can’t see, can still be visible. All this years of searching, of thinking and of not finding. Although there are so many hints on the way. But just because of false evaluation of your being, just because of never leaving your path, or more precisely, of never thinking out of the box, out of your mind, you missed the forest for the trees.

You have to leave your body. You have to leave your mind and therefore this whole made up world. You have to be the Particle. If you go along with that, if you accept it without questioning anymore, if you are entirely empty and forfeit of body and thought, if you dissolve yourself, give in, just be, but not be, if there is neither space nor time, in nor around you, if and only if, the last particle of You will maybe catch for a short, unmeasurable glimpse, Nothing. Infinity is Nothing and Everything, is infinit Energy. That Energy flows constantly and forever, around that very Particle, The Gottesteilchen, The God Particle, which is All and One which is everything and everywhere, at the same timeless and spaceless spot.

Surely, there is nothing to search for as all it was, all it will be, all it is – is You!

Reality  requires Time. Time is the Law that generates this Reality. Time makes everything exist. Without Time Nothing Is!

So be it.

Be Nothing!

Ich bin Du – I am You

I have no ambition for writing since a couple of month. Thinking about it, it made absolutely sense. All that writing in all those years just to come to the conclusion that there is no end, no finding, just clues, that lead to other clues. That’s why there can be no endings to my stories because there are no endings! It’s a circle – The Circle of Zarathustra! In German: Der Zirkel des Zarathustra (ZZ). Zirkel in English actually means dividers. With a pair of dividers you draw a circle. A divider on the other hand is also a device with which one can make two out of one!

You and I. I know everything that you know. You know everything that I know.

black_hole_imageTogether we know everything. We wrote everything, we invented everything, we created everything.

After a time of circling, passing the always same spheres, committing the same actions, hearing the same sounds, seeing the same things, saying, writing the same words, every deed is done, every melody is heard, every word is said and every story is recorded.

There is nothing new to discover out there anymore.


Freedom Of Speech

Or: Trump, the American Berlusconi!

This is what you can expect in a western democracy, you might think. But be aware:

Freedom of Speech is a subject of a dichotomy, of individual and collective rights.

For instance: You can call all Republican candidates a bunch of ignorant idiots. However you cannot just call Donald Trump the greatest ignorant idiot of them all. He could sue you!


Donald Duck

Becoming a presidential candidate in the USA requires no political knowledge but a lot of money. Trump has a lot of the latter. However, his example shows quiet explicit, that money can’t buy intellect (as well as friends!).

Trump is just a born rich clown, kind of an American Berlusconi!


Recently I was enjoying happy hour in a beach bar with a friend. All the drinks for half the price. Next to us two couples, the men Caucasian, the women Asian, were having a good time too. I couldn’t help to overhear their conversation. I found out that one man was with the two girls (one was his girlfriend and the other one obviously her friend) and the other was alone. Maybe a tourist, they just met?

“What’s your age”, the single girl asked the man who was solo.

“I’m ageless”, he answered.

“No, seriously!”

“Seriously, I just don’t feel like a certain age.”

“But everyone has an age”, she said.

“Where I come from age is not given, so it’s quiet immaterial.”

I could tell from the facial expression, that the girl couldn’t grasp the point.

“And where do you come from?”

“Well, apparently not from here. I’m from another world and in this world, my world, a state like age does not exist.”

The girls were looking at each other a bit puzzled. The other man, Australian I could tell from his accent, maybe figured some kind of joke behind.

“Come on” he said, “You must be joking. You just don’t like to tell us your age. Open up man, tell us!”

I think the Australian was already half-drunk.

“As I said”, the interviewee continued, “no age in my world. We come in this world ageless as we are and even if they give us numbers , we don’t correspond to them.”

“What are you talking about man”, the Aussie slurred taking a big sip from his gin tonic.

“You’re German, aren’t you?”

“I grew up in this country, yes. So forgive me the Schopenhauer thinking. Germans sometimes are like that, but mostly not, I found out myself.”

“I don’t know about a Schopenhauer”, the other girl fell in. “But are you German or not?”

“Yes, he said so”, her boyfriend corrected her.

“No, he just said he grew up there but not that he actually is German”, she defended herself and gave the interviewee a questioning look.

“You’re absolutely right”, the man said. “I’m not affiliated to a certain nationality. When we return to this world, we always choose a different country so we can experience all the different cultures on this planet.”

The Aussie gave him a black look.

“Now you sound really creepy and you have not even finished your first drink.”

“So you’re ageless and stateless”, the girl who started the interrogation, summarised.

“Absolutely mam!”

And the man raised his glass and cheered on that.



(36) One out of Seven

Aside from the three patients, Adrian, Bernd and Raimund there were seven women in the group. From that seven women, one was different in the way receiving the outside world with its premises and signs. The troubles of women, especially of my “flatmates”, origin more or less in the same swamp. It seems it’s all about materialism and body-related. Even if it is true, that every human being has it’s share in man and woman as well, mostly men and women are just too different in perception and view. The art of relationship between men and women is made up by contradictions. I turns out to bear fruit in adaptation and restraint (men would say adaptation and restraint by men; women would argue just the other way around of course, what feeds the theory).

Zoe however is different in this respect. Her issues origin in higher grounds. I didn’t know about her story from the start nor about her sexual confusion. I did get my intuition though. It doesn’t matter anyway if I got to know all that details. But I knew she was searching for her position in this world. While most of the other patients longing for relieve from earthly matter, she was longing for her chance to grab the sign that would appear, sooner or later and lead her to her higher purpose.

(35) Beyond Unknown Fears

In the search of the origin of that unknown fear the therapists browse through the prehisAesculaptories of their patients and even the family histories. Somewhere in there must lay the cause. They might find something but as the search mostly would take place in the known area, the reason behind very often stays hidden. Hypnotherapy could be helpful. Under hypnosis one could open some doors which were usually closed in the state of mind control. The pictures and hints one could get in this state, mostly are metaphorical and time is not a hindrance. However, it’s not always easy to encode the information and draw the right conclusions.

There are some other therapies one could try, but lots of them are not approved by academic medicine. They are performed by people who claim to possess skills beyond the old school. They call them healers, mystics or quack. They work with energy, spirits and natural powers. If an illness has been cured by old school, quasi by chemicals and hi-tech medicine their supporters refer the success to the skills of the physician, the pharmacy and the science in general. If a patient proclaims it was a healer who brought him relief from a disease, the old schoolers dismiss such a claim as just coincidence or as some of these unexplainable little miracles which just happened now and then.

The reason, why old schoolers vehement deny the effect of some alternative medicine and practitioners, is possibly their imagesown fears of the unknown! In the end this fear arrives from beyond nature. Men have, during the period of centuries, turned away from nature. Somewhere down the line, humankind decided, that nature was something scary, something that threatens our lives. And somewhere down the line, one started to fight nature in all areas one possibly could. And so, human kind lost the connection to the only true source of their existence. What they call nature today, consists of the visible, controllable part which is good and useful, and the visible but still uncontrollable powers of it, that causes sometimes horrible disasters all over the world. However, there is much more!