(35) Beyond Unknown Fears

In the search of the origin of that unknown fear the therapists browse through the prehisAesculaptories of their patients and even the family histories. Somewhere in there must lay the cause. They might find something but as the search mostly would take place in the known area, the reason behind very often stays hidden. Hypnotherapy could be helpful. Under hypnosis one could open some doors which were usually closed in the state of mind control. The pictures and hints one could get in this state, mostly are metaphorical and time is not a hindrance. However, it’s not always easy to encode the information and draw the right conclusions.

There are some other therapies one could try, but lots of them are not approved by academic medicine. They are performed by people who claim to possess skills beyond the old school. They call them healers, mystics or quack. They work with energy, spirits and natural powers. If an illness has been cured by old school, quasi by chemicals and hi-tech medicine their supporters refer the success to the skills of the physician, the pharmacy and the science in general. If a patient proclaims it was a healer who brought him relief from a disease, the old schoolers dismiss such a claim as just coincidence or as some of these unexplainable little miracles which just happened now and then.

The reason, why old schoolers vehement deny the effect of some alternative medicine and practitioners, is possibly their imagesown fears of the unknown! In the end this fear arrives from beyond nature. Men have, during the period of centuries, turned away from nature. Somewhere down the line, humankind decided, that nature was something scary, something that threatens our lives. And somewhere down the line, one started to fight nature in all areas one possibly could. And so, human kind lost the connection to the only true source of their existence. What they call nature today, consists of the visible, controllable part which is good and useful, and the visible but still uncontrollable powers of it, that causes sometimes horrible disasters all over the world. However, there is much more!